My Dad The Truck
Bonifacio es un campesino torpe y rústico, que tras perderlo todo, viaja a la ciudad con su pequeña hija Hilda y su cerdita Tulipán, para perseguir su sueño, todos tienen una profesión y la de él es la mejor: ser camionero.
Bonifacio is a clumsy and shoddy countryman. After losing everything, he travels to the city with his little daughter Hilda and their piggie Tulipán, to chase his dream, everyone has a calling and his is the best one: being a truck driver.
Largometraje de animación
Dirigido por María Cristina Pérez González
Producido por Mauricio Cuervo Rincón - Pez Dorado Animaciones
En desarrollo
80 min.
Animated Feature Film
Directed by María Cristina Pérez González
Produced by Mauricio Cuervo Rincón - Pez Dorado Animaciones
In Development
80 min.
- HUBERT BALS FUND - Script and Project Development Support.
- FDC - Scriptwriting and Development Grant.
- HOLLAND FILM MEETING - Special Mention Global Audience Award.
- MIFA ANNECY - Partners Pitches 2023.
- QUIRINO AWARDS - Co-production Forum 2023.
- ANIMATION! VENTANA SUR - Winning Animation Project.
- LABGUION - Selected script.
- BAMSTORIES - Selected script.